Special CAC Gallery Members Only Online Show 2023 (Crossroads Art Center)

Crossroads Art Center is excited to announce an online call for Members 2023 Exhibition. Theme: Red, Green and Blue (Think Holidays or not. At least one of these colors should be the primary color of the piece)

All work submitted by Gallery Members will be shown Online.

Gallery Members Update to Show:

  1. Deadline Extended!!!! until October 31, 2023
  2. Show will be Virtual, and a portion will be Live during the November Open House Weekend!
  3. Portion of proceeds to benefit Capital Trees!
  4. Drop off for work chosen to be shown Live will be Wednesday, November 1 - Sunday, November 5th.

Red, Green & Blue will benefit Capital Trees! 10% of the proceeds from each piece sold will benefit Capital Trees. Art will be shown virtually throughout the show and chosen pieces will be in person the weekend of the November Open House at Crossroads.

Friday November 17th 5 - 8pm Open House Weekend

"We invite you to join us at Classroom 2 in Building 3 for the Gallery Member’s show titled 'Red, Green & Blue.' This event not only promises to be an enriching artistic experience but also serves a greater purpose by contributing 10% of the proceeds from sales to support Capital Trees, a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering a greener and more livable Richmond through strategic planning, tree planting, and the maintenance of public green spaces.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Capital Trees for graciously sponsoring this event. To learn more about their noble cause and initiatives, please visit their website at https://capitaltrees.org/."

Call For Entries Dates: September 1 - October 31, 2023

Show Dates Virtual Show: Sunday, October 1, 2023 - Sunday, December 31, 2023

Live Dates for Open House Weekend: Friday, November 17 - Sunday, November 19, 2023

All work submitted must be for sale. Entry fee is $15 per submission, limit 3 submissions per artist. Commission on sales is 30%. 

Work must be executed solely by the artist. No reproductions (like giclee) are permitted, unless the art process IS the printed process, i.e., etching, monoprint, silkscreen, lithograph, etc. Printed digital images created by the artist with a computer program such as Procreate, Shopify, etc., ARE permitted. All 2D work must be wired, no sawtooth hangers.

The gallery reserves the right to refuse work. Work that has been in a previous show at the art center may not be entered again.
All work must be available for sale through the end of the show (unless purchased from the show). Artists must be able to deliver art for purchase or approval to Crossroads Art Center within 48 hours of request.

For 2D pieces we require 2 images (Cropped and detail) if not framed. If framed, we require 3 images (framed image). Of course, we need 3 images if the piece is 3D (front, back, detail).

You must be a Gallery Member is good standing to enter the show. If you are not a gallery member, you may join now so you can enter. Please go to our website. Click on "Just for Artists" and then "Gallery Membership”. https://www.crossroadsartcente...

Important Information:

Before submitting artwork, please read and make sure you understand thoroughly procedures and expectations for participating in our 2023 shows.


Submission Details:

You will need an artist statement - 200 Word limit in first person to enter the shows.

1. You do not have to create a portfolio site to enter the show.

2. The way you fill out the form is how it will be shown on the labels, awards, and publicity.

a. Use Capital Letters for the first letters of your name.

b. Prices - DO NOT TYPE IN A COMMA. This produces the wrong price. ArtCall will add it automatically.

c. Measurements - HEIGHT first, then Width then Depth (H x W x D).


3 images of each piece are required, one of the art without frame, one with frame, and a close detail image (zoomed into a small section of interest). If the art is unframed, only 2 photos are required. Work must be WIRED to hang--no sawtooth hangers. If work is not wired, it will not be accepted into show.

NOTE: if the work is framed, we must have the outside measurements of the frame (H x W x D). Please do not guess. If we do not have the measurements for the art and/or the framed art, your piece will not be allowed in the show. Walls and backgrounds SHOULD NOT SHOW in photos. When taking the digital image please make sure the photo is not at an angle or crooked.


For each 3D, installation, or wearable art entry, submit 3 images: one overall front image, one overall rear or sideview image, and one detail image (zoomed into a small section of interest).

• Detail images must show an important aspect of the art. Make sure that both the full-view and detailed images are oriented correctly.

d. Statement regarding the piece of art - The character limit is 300!! This is used for all publicity online and on labels. Spellcheck it as well as word count it! These statements are displayed with the art.

e. FYI -You can go back in and add/edit images and edit text until the call ends.

After entering, please go back and double check your information. Did you enter the required 2 or 3 photos? Is your price correct? Measurements? Is your statement complete? 

If you make changes, don't forget to click on "Update Submission" when you are done.

VERY IMPORTANT: You can delete and change photos, and change text within each submission up until end-of-call. Do not delete an entire submission and then add a new one--ArtCall will charge you for a new submission!

You can leave this video on your call site's homepage (or embed it on any page) for a quick tutorial your users can watch to help them with the submission process.